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In April of 2017, I applied to the Koch Associate Program and was selected for the class after a few rounds of interviews. This year-long professional development program trains young professions two trademarked programs: ‘Framework for a Free Society’ and ‘Market-Based Management’ Program participants worked for ‘partner organizations’ which means they agree with the Koch Network on a particular issue.

Throughout the year there were three 3-day retreats and in-between, we met every Thursday from 1:00-5:30pm. Beyond learning and applying the two trademarked programs, electives included: writing, policy, fundraising and communications.

I personally enjoyed the Market Based Management aspect of the program because as an entrepreneur, many of us have to create and framework for running an organization from scratch.

Creating an environment that inspires and motivates people while keeping them happy and able to pursue other interests is no small feet. I hope to take the things I learned in the program and apply them to not only the business world but my personal life as well.

Koch Associate Program